Lauren Gallicchio

Lauren Gallicchio

By Lauren Gallicchio

Welcome Kentucky teachers! I am the social studies consultant for the Kentucky Department of Education.

In my 11 years as an educator in Kentucky, I have been fortunate enough to work in a variety of school settings, from rural and urban to small towns and large cities. This diversity of settings and student populations has provided a unique insight into the many ways that social studies can be useful in helping students understand modern society’s ever-evolving world.

In order to meet the needs of the variety of students I have taught, I am constantly looking for new ways to adapt and grow as an educator. Constant revision and broadening my knowledge base has been a driving force in my educational philosophy. As a National-Board certified teacher, I am constantly looking for new and accessible ways to present material and make connections across time and place to help students better understand the past, present and future of the world they inhabit as responsible and humanitarian citizens.

Through my experiences in teaching and research, my goal is to support Kentucky’s teachers, schools and districts in creating opportunities and environments where students can gain the content knowledge, analytical skills and experiences that will enable them to fulfill the duties of citizenship in their local, national and world communities.

In the social studies section of Kentucky Teacher, you will find information relating to research-based practices in the field, social studies programs and firsthand accounts from teachers and students about social studies education in our schools. As a graduate of Kentucky schools and the University of Kentucky, I am deeply committed to supporting engaging social studies experiences for all students in the Commonwealth.

Please visit this page regularly for the latest information regarding social studies in Kentucky.