The S.T.O.P. tip line is a free, anonymous tip submission system that can be used by schools to provide students, staff, parents and community members with a way to report concerning behavior, threats of harm, threats towards the school and other types of information online or via telephone.

Tips are received immediately by individuals designated by the school or district and the Kentucky Office of Homeland Security. All schools across the Commonwealth of Kentucky are encouraged to take advantage of this free safety tool.

It is also important that educators and school and district leaders encourage their students to use the tip line and make sure that students, parents, staff and community members are aware the tip line is available. Please make sure your school is promoting S.T.O.P. so everyone is aware it exists and can use the tip line.

Reporting concerns can get students help when needed and prevent acts of violence from occurring. For more information on the S.T.O.P. tip line, visit the Kentucky Office of Homeland Security website or the Kentucky Center for School Safety website.

For more information, email Jennifer Taylor, school safety analyst at the Kentucky Office of Homeland Security, or call her at (502) 787-1221.