Jonathan Bogar, second from left, a welding instructor at Belfry Area Technology Center, received the 2017 Kevin M. Noland/Mary Ann Miller Award for significant service to Kentucky’s public schools. At the presentation on Oct. 4 were, from left, Commissioner of Education Stephen Pruitt, Bogar, Chief of Staff Mary Ann Miller, former long-time KDE employee Kevin Noland and Kentucky Board of Education Chair Mary Gwen Wheeler.
Photo by Bobby Ellis, Oct. 4, 2017
(FRANKFORT, Ky.) – At the Kentucky Board of Education (KBE) meeting in Frankfort Oct. 4, Commissioner of Education Stephen Pruitt presented the 2017 Kevin M. Noland/Mary Ann Miller Award to Jonathan Bogar, a welding instructor at the Belfry Area Technology Center (ATC).
The award, which this year adds Miller’s name, recognizes a Kentucky Department of Education employee for significant service to Kentucky’s public schools and for providing inspiration for education. KDE staff submits nominations for the award.
“Jonathan has been a real champion for career and technical education,” Pruitt said. “He has exhibited a positive influence on both his students and his community.”
“Jonathan has made a dramatic impact in so many areas over the years,” co-worker Paul Randal Williamson said in his nomination letter. “His volunteerism and passion for Career and Technical Education shines though in everything he does.”
Bogar worked at a machine shop in private industry before starting at the Belfry Area Technology Center 15 years ago. Throughout the years, he has increased student achievement in his program and networked with community partners to establish co-op opportunities that have created valuable career placement for many of his students. As a Kentucky Teacher Internship Program resource teacher, he has worked with most of the teachers in the school, many of whom still consult him for advice.
Bogar also serves the ATC as the Skills USA adviser, head teacher and Infinite Campus Contact. When not working, he coaches youth sports, keeps the ball fields in shape and serves as a Sunday school teacher for high school youth at his church. Bogar and his wife Kimberly have two children, 10-year-old son, Kaden, and 7-year-old daughter, Kylie.
“Jonathan embodies what it means to be a public servant and deserves this award, and so much more for his impact on so many people over the years,” Williamson said.
The Kentucky Board of Education established the Kevin M. Noland Award to honor former Interim Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, Associate Commissioner and General Counsel Kevin M. Noland, who served the department for approximately 18 years. This year, the KBE added Chief of Staff Mary Ann Miller’s name to the award to honor her 30 years of service to the Kentucky Department of Education. Miller will be retiring at the end of October.
A selection committee, made up of a cross-section of KDE employees, met, reviewed and rated this year’s nominations based on the following criteria:
- an individual who focuses on the mission for student proficiency;
- an individual who is an excellent ambassador for the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Department of Education and Kentucky’s schools;
- an individual who is knowledgeable and productive; and
- an individual who has made an impact in one of the following areas: school districts, community partners, parents and/or co-workers through leadership, customer service, teamwork and community service.
Previous Kevin M. Noland Award winners are:
- 2016 Laura Arnold, associate commissioner, Office of Career and Technical Education
- 2015 No award presented
- 2014 Rhonda Sims, director of Assessment Support and Research within the Office of Assessment and Accountability
- 2013 Mary Ann Miller, policy adviser for the commissioner and the Kentucky Board of Education
- 2012 Lisa Gross, director of the Division of Communications
- 2011 No award presented
- 2010 Sally Sugg, director of the Division of District 180
- 2009 Linda Holbrook, state Reading First coordinator
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