June 2020
First KDE advisory group offers feedback on Healthy at School guidance
On June 29, the Education Continuation Task Force became the first of the Kentucky Department of Education’s advisory groups to provide feedback on the document.
Kentucky Department for Public Health provides five reopening aspects for districts to consider
The Kentucky Department for Public Health joined the Kentucky Department of Education’s June 15 Education Continuation Task Force meeting to discuss the newly released school reopening guidance.
May 2020
CARES Act funding, student re-entry for next school year discussed by task force
At its May 4 virtual meeting, the Education Continuation Task Force discussed ways that Kentucky educational partners can assist school districts in pandemic recovery efforts as they receive Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act funding.
April 2020
Gov. Beshear recommends suspension of in-person classes continue through end of school year
The Kentucky Department of Education has released the Education Continuation Plan, designed to maximize instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic.
March 2020
New KDE task force will aid districts during COVID-19 closure period
The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) has formed the Education Continuation Task Force, a group that will serve as a guiding coalition to help facilitate the delivery of services to Kentucky students during the current period of school closure.
June 2020
KDE to meet with Kentucky Department for Public Health to hone reopening guidance
Officials from the Kentucky Department for Public Health (DPH) joined the June 9 Special Superintendents’ Webcast on COVID-19 to answer questions from Kentucky’s superintendents about reopening schools this fall.
Superintendents Advisory Council reconvenes to discuss 2020-2021 attendance amid COVID-19 pandemic
The Kentucky Department of Education has worked to provide guidance and insight to Kentucky's school districts throughout the COVID-19 crisis. To provide additional opportunities for superintendents to have their voices heard, Interim Education Commissioner Kevin C. Brown reconvened the department’s Superintendents Advisory Council.
KDE task force provides feedback on upcoming superintendent survey
The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) has partnered with the Regional Educational Laboratory to begin drafting new surveys to help identify needs occurring across the state due to the COVID-19 crisis.
May 2020
Interim Commissioner Kevin C. Brown’s May 22 letter to families
To honor the perseverance of our seniors, the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) has produced “Kentucky’s Tribute to the Class of 2020,” a one-hour program that will be streamed on the department’s special YouTube channel at 7 p.m. ET this Saturday, May 23.
Interim Commissioner Kevin C. Brown’s May 8 letter to families
With all that has happened in the closing weeks of this school year, you may not want to think about what the next school year will look like for your children just yet. That’s certainly understandable given that we have all been working so hard to complete this year under extraordinary circumstances brought about by the COVID-19 emergency.