KBE reviews educator effectiveness model, names new districts of innovation

Assistant General Counsel David Wickersham, acting director of the Division of Next Generation Professionals Amanda Ellis, Associate Commissioner Felicia Cumings Smith and staff assistant Robin Chandler discuss changes in the evaluation guidelines of the Professional Growth and Effectiveness System during the Kentucky Board of Education meeting.Photo by Amy Wallot, Feb. 5, 2013 Plans for a statewide system of [...]

By |2014-04-30T15:10:21-04:00February 6, 2014|

Teacher and principal effectiveness bill signed

Advocating that all Kentucky children deserve to be taught by an effective teacher at a school led by an effective principal, Gov. Steve Beshear once again indicated his support for a statewide system promoting educator growth and effectiveness in Kentucky.

By |2020-11-10T15:27:09-05:00April 18, 2013|

Kentucky’s effectiveness system recognized for thoughtfulness, educator input

Kentucky is one of three states that were singled out in an opinion piece written by Bill Gates that appeared in the Washington Post this week. In the piece, which focuses on educator effectiveness systems, Gates contends: “What the country needs are thoughtfully developed teacher evaluation systems that include multiple measures of performance, such as student surveys, classroom observations by [...]

By |2013-08-26T14:04:54-04:00April 4, 2013|
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