Science teacher Jaime Quattrocchi helps 4th-grade student Erin Lincoln measure the amount of chocolate chips she collected from a cookie at Sutton Elementary School (Owensboro Independent) Feb. 4, 2011. As part of their lesson about rocks, minerals and the Earth's resources, the students did a "Mining for Minerals" lab where they "mined" chocolate chips from cookies. Sutton Elementary is a 2010 Distinguished Title I School. Photo by Amy Wallot

Science teacher Jaime Quattrocchi helps 4th-grade student Erin Lincoln measure the amount of chocolate chips she collected from a cookie at Sutton Elementary School (Owensboro Independent) Feb. 4, 2011. As part of their lesson about rocks, minerals and the Earth’s resources, the students did a “Mining for Minerals” lab where they “mined” chocolate chips from cookies. Sutton Elementary is a 2010 Distinguished Title I School. Photo by Amy Wallot