Bulletin Board

Register now for the March 2025 Leadership Meetings

In order to provide vibrant learning environments for all students, it is important for schools and districts to translate the Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS) into a guaranteed and viable curriculum.

By |2025-02-05T16:42:10-05:00February 5, 2025|

Register for upcoming Case Method Institute dates

All high school teachers of U.S. history, civics and government are invited to join a special professional development program offered by the Case Method Institute for Education & Democracy and Harvard Professor David Moss.

By |2025-01-17T16:35:12-05:00January 17, 2025|

PAEMST nominations for teachers in grades 7-12 now open

PAEMST is the top honor in the nation for math and science teachers, including computer science, engineering and technology teachers. National awardees receive $10,000 and a trip to Washington, D.C.

By |2024-12-23T11:43:32-05:00December 23, 2024|
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