Commissioner’s Comments

Giving thanks to all of Kentucky’s teachers

Teaching is a demanding profession. To celebrate National Teacher Appreciation Week, scheduled for May 7-11, I'd like to thank all of Kentucky's educators for the outstanding things they do for their students every day.

By |May 8, 2018|

Doing our best for every child

I've recorded a new short video for all of Kentucky's teachers to share my priorities in education. Please take a few minutes to watch this video and thank you for all you do for the Commonwealth's children.

By |May 3, 2018|

Creating a new focus on literacy

As parents and educators, we need to recognize that teaching children to be literate citizens has its place in all of the classes we teach in Kentucky’s schools.

By |March 6, 2018|

Why CTE Matters

February is national Career and Technical Education Month. I think it its a great idea to have a month where we as a nation can take the time to learn more about and appreciate all that career and technical education offers our students.

By |February 6, 2018|

Pushing forward

2018 holds the potential for foundational changes that will lead to a stronger and more effective system of public education in Kentucky. However, we are at a pivotal point in the Commonwealth.

By |January 2, 2018|

Student input vital in education

One of the curious things in education is while we tend to seek input from educators, parents and community members when making policy decisions, we don’t always seek input from those who are affected most by those decisions – the students.

By |December 5, 2017|
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