Commissioner’s Comments

A model for superintendent evaluation

Terry Holliday At the December Kentucky Board of Education (KBE) meeting, the board finalized my evaluation and agreed upon the goals that will be used for my 2014-15 evaluation. Viewers may read my evaluation summary and see the goals that KBE set for me for 2014-15. The Kentucky Board of Education has used this process during my tenure and on numerous occasions the board has strongly recommended that local superintendents and school boards use a similar process. Over the past three years, the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) has worked with stakeholders to develop a superintendent professional growth [...]

By |December 16, 2014|

Kentucky Rising initiative aims for a stronger workforce

Terry Holliday “Kentucky’s first settlers brought with them a dedication to democracy and a sense of limitless hope about the future. They were determined to participate in world progress in science, education, and manufacturing. The early years of statehood were an era of great optimism and progress and the eyes of the nation often focused on Kentucky. … Globally oriented Kentuckians were determined to transform the frontier into a network of communities exporting to the world market. …” These words come from a book titled Kentucky Rising, and while they describe Kentucky more than two centuries ago, they [...]

By |December 9, 2014|

Your voice matters: take the KCAS Challenge

Terry Holliday Around the nation, Common Core State Standards in English/language arts and mathematics often have come under attack. In fact, here in Kentucky, a bill has been pre-filed in the legislature to scrap them and the Next-Generation Science Standards and come up with entirely new standards which would not only reverse your hard work for the past five years but also cost millions of dollars that we do not have. Often, the criticism of the standards is vague. Some confuse the standards, which simply set the minimum expectation for what students should know at each grade level, [...]

By |December 2, 2014|

The danger in oversimplifying achievement gaps

Terry Holliday In several recent blogs, (Moving in the Right Direction and Making the Numbers Real), I congratulated Kentucky students and educators on the significant progress we are making in college/career-readiness rates and graduation rates. We are also beginning to see significant improvement in proficiency rates, and our unduplicated gap group has improved in all areas. However, I did stress the need for Kentucky to redouble our efforts in closing significant achievement gaps. The Kentucky Department of Education will be developing very specific plans across curriculum, instruction, interventions, accountability and assessment to support schools and districts as they [...]

By |November 25, 2014|

Will it be politics as usual, or not?

Education Commissioner Terry Holliday As the dust settles from the election, there is much talk and speculation about the impact the election may have on public education in this country. At least that was a primary topic for discussion at the Council of Chief State School Officers Annual Policy Forum that I attended last week. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan attended the meeting and took it as his opportunity to roll out the new Elementary and Secondary Education Act/No Child Left Behind waiver process to state education leaders. […]

By |November 18, 2014|

Community collaboration stretches preschool dollars

This week, Chief of Staff Tommy Floyd, who represents the Kentucky Department of Education on the Governor’s Early Childhood Advisory Council, is my guest blogger. The topic is preschool and how to serve more children who could benefit from a quality early learning experience with the limited funding available. Terry Holliday, Ph.D. Education Commissioner In the coming weeks, the Kentucky Department of Education will be releasing results from the kindergarten readiness screen of students beginning school this year. Superintendents know how important this data is to students and their future. Children who start behind in school may stay behind, but [...]

By |November 11, 2014|

The nature of education

Education Commissioner Terry Holliday Kentucky has been featured in numerous state and national media sources recently for the improved performance in college- and career-readiness rates and graduation rates. As commissioner, I have been very proud of the efforts of teachers, administrators, students and education partners in implementing Senate Bill 1 (2009) which required more rigorous standards, assessments, accountability model and professional development for teachers. While there has been a lot of good news recently, as I look closely at the performance of our students and schools, there are areas that should be addressed. One of the major areas [...]

By |November 4, 2014|

Outstanding Kentucky teachers get recognition

Education Commissioner Terry Holliday Once again last week, the Ashland Teacher of the Year (TOY) program brought together some of Kentucky’s best educators for recognition in Frankfort. Our annual tribute to outstanding teachers in Kentucky is the highlight of the year for me. Our Kentucky teachers are by far the most professional and dedicated teachers in the nation, and it is my honor to work with them to help every child succeed. The TOY program recognizes 24 outstanding teachers from across Kentucky. They are among hundreds of teachers nominated by their peers, students, parents or administrators. A team carefully [...]

By |October 28, 2014|

The path to student success

This week, Joellen Killion from Learning Forward and Karen Kidwell, director, Division of Program Standards with the Kentucky Department of Education, team up for a guest blog on the importance of professional learning and a new resource that can help ensure meaningful and effective professional learning opportunities, which are critical to the continuous improvement process and our overall success. Since Senate Bill 1 (2009), Kentucky has been leading the nation in education reform. To accomplish its goal, the Department of Education has examined every system, input, output, and outcome to focus and align efforts to ensure that every school and [...]

By |October 21, 2014|

2 districts that are making the numbers real

Education Commissioner Terry Holliday As we looked more closely at numbers from the Unbridled Learning Accountability System last week, there was much to celebrate. School report cards showed more students reached college- and career-readiness, more students graduated, reading and math scores improved at elementary and middle school, and high school Advanced Placement and ACT results are at all-time highs. This data is great news, but the numbers do not always tell the full story. Last week, I had the opportunity to make those numbers real by visiting two school districts. […]

By |October 14, 2014|
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