Your privacy and security are our highest priority. The Kentucky Department of Education collects only the personal information necessary to provide enhanced services to our citizens and customers. Please note that all non-exempt information collected by KDE may be subject to public disclosure under KRS 61.870, the Kentucky Open Records Act. However, public records containing information of a personal nature are protected from disclosure by the personal privacy exemption of state law. Personal data in our possession is maintained and used in ways that respect individual privacy.
Depending on the situation, we may collect the following information about visitors to our Web site:
- the domain name, but not the e-mail address;
- the e-mail addresses of those who communicate with us via e-mail;
- aggregate information about which pages consumers access or visit; or
- information volunteered by the consumer, such as survey information.
This information is used only to improve the scope and content of our services on the Internet.
KDE Information Sharing
KDE will not release personal information to third parties except where it is already provided by law for purposes of notification. We will not provide, rent or sell personal information to third parties for marketing programs or any other purpose. State law restricts the use of personally identifiable information for commercial purposes. Depending on the specific nature of the service, information may be shared with other state agencies as stated in KRS 61.878 (5). This statute allows for the exchange of public records or sharing of information between public agencies when the exchange is serving a legitimate governmental need or is necessary in the performance of a legitimate government function.
KDE and Internet Cookies
Cookies are short and simple text files stored on your computer by Internet web sites to help identify users and enhance customer service. We may use cookies to customize and personalize your service transactions with state agencies. For example, our On-line Bookstore may use cookies to keep track of customers and the contents of their shopping cart. In the event the Internet connection is broken or you wish to suspend shopping and resume at a later time, the cookie on your computer will maintain your computer’s identity shopping cart information. Cookies do not compromise your privacy or security. Using web browser settings, you can refuse the cookies or delete the cookie file from your computer by using any of the widely available methods.
KDE Security Notice
KDE uses the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol to safeguard your sensitive personal information, including your credit card number, during online transactions. Using this widely accepted form of encryption, your transaction is secured from your personal computer to the KDE computer processing your request. The KDE processing computers are located behind a secure firewall. For your protection, never put your credit card number or other sensitive information in unencrypted e-mail. For added security, your credit card information is not stored on a state government database and only authorized employees have access to your credit card number for card processing purposes.
SSL is highly regarded to be a very safe encryption method, but we fully understand if you are not comfortable entering your credit card information online. In that event, please call our Office of Communications at 502-564-2000 and speak directly to one of our staff members.
If you have trouble purchasing securely at our web site, then you may be behind a firewall or using a proxy server that doesn’t allow for secure transactions. If that is the case, then you may phone or fax your order.