charter schools

Kentucky Board of Education approves charter regulations

House Bill 520 (2017) cleared the way for the first charter schools in the state and during its regular meeting Oct. 4, the Kentucky Board of Education approved four regulations governing the establishment and operation of public charter schools.

By |2017-10-06T11:14:03-04:00October 5, 2017|

Kentucky Board of Education updated on new laws

At its regularly scheduled April meeting, the Kentucky Board of Education received an update on new education laws passed by the 2017 General Assembly. House Bill 520 allows non-religious public charter schools for the first time in Kentucky. Commissioner of Education Stephen Pruitt said work has already started at the Kentucky Department of Education to prepare for the establishment of charters.

By |2020-09-23T11:05:57-04:00April 13, 2017|

Kentucky Board of Education agrees to study public charters

During its meeting in Frankfort Oct. 5, the Kentucky Board of Education agreed to study the concept of public charter schools in Kentucky. Currently 43 states have legislation that allows charter schools. Kentucky does not.

By |2016-10-06T08:23:17-04:00October 6, 2016|
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