Common Core State Standards

Speaker proposals sought for mathematics conference

The Kentucky Center for Mathematics (KCM) is seeking speaker proposals relevant to middle and high school mathematics content for the 2015 KCM Conference, "Engage!" which will be held March 9-10 in Lexington. The KCM conference provides an opportunity for educators to connect statewide, to develop their professional networks and to nourish their passions for teaching mathematics. The 2015 conference, which will [...]

By |2014-12-03T15:01:48-05:00December 4, 2014|

Teaching social issues in the Common Core era

The Common Core State Standards in English/Language arts, as well as other college-and career-ready standards, place strong emphases on critical literacy, cross-curricular learning, and cultural understanding. A free Education Week webinar will explore how some educators are using those levers to create interdisciplinary units that integrate a variety of texts and learning methods to help students delve into social issues, [...]

By |2020-10-14T08:52:37-04:00October 16, 2014|

Videos help teachers evaluate instructional projects

Achieve and the Teaching Channel have launched their new partnership by releasing three videos that introduce and explore Achieve's Evaluating Quality Instructional Products (EQuIP) initiative. The videos, which are publicly available for viewing on Teaching Channel's website (, introduce the EQuIP Peer Review process and provide an in-depth look at real teachers using the mathematics and English Language Arts (ELA) [...]

By |2020-10-14T10:01:22-04:00August 21, 2014|

Make It Real

Education Commissioner Terry Holliday While most of the country seems embroiled in a political fight around Common Core State Standards and their implementation, too many of our students are graduating from high school unprepared for the current workforce. An upcoming special report, No College = Low Wages, from the Kentucky Center for Education and Workforce Statistics (KCEWS) brings [...]

By |2020-01-28T10:42:09-05:00July 22, 2014|

GLCTM winter meeting

The Greater Louisville Council of Teachers of Mathematics (GLCTM) is welcoming Alan Schoenfeld as the keynote speaker for its winter meeting on Feb. 13. Schoenfeld's talk will be centered on the Common Core State Standards for mathematics and getting students to be mathematical thinkers. Two hours of PD credit is available. Also, please nominate a teacher or student for awards [...]

By |2014-01-28T11:14:46-05:00January 30, 2014|

Teachers speak out on Common Core Standards

Education Commissioner Terry Holliday Scholastic recently released some early results from the third edition of Primary Sources, a survey of more than 20,000 teachers across the nation. The early release highlighted three major findings concerning teachers’ views on the Common Core State Standards, which in Kentucky are called the Kentucky Core Academic Standards. Here are the key findings. [...]

By |2020-01-28T11:48:05-05:00November 5, 2013|
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