
Second-grade teacher wins iPad from KHEAA

West Marion Elementary (Marion County) teacher Stacy Bartley is the winner of the February iPad giveaway by the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority (KHEAA). The contest was open to Kentucky residents who “liked” the KHEAA Facebook page, online at www.facebook.com/KHEAA, and answered a question about college. Bartley was presented with the iPad at the Washington County Public Library in Springfield [...]

By |2019-10-02T13:38:14-04:00March 21, 2013|

Parent iPad trainings offered

The Western Kentucky Assistive Technology Center will offer iPad training for parents of children with disabilities. The training includes a basic overview of how to navigate the iPad and an opportunity to review apps designed for people with special needs. An iPad will be available for each participant during the training. The training is great opportunity for parents to explore [...]

By |2011-10-11T07:49:57-04:00October 13, 2011|
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