Educator Spotlight: Kimberly Thompson
Kimberly Thompson, the library media specialist at Eastside Middle School (Bullitt County), is making reading more accessible to all students at her school.
Kimberly Thompson, the library media specialist at Eastside Middle School (Bullitt County), is making reading more accessible to all students at her school.
Heidi Neltner, a former school librarian in the Ft. Thomas Independent school district, had been using Twitter to connect with colleagues around the world for many years. Then in 2013, she decided to introduce Kentucky school librarians to this professional networking venue by creating #KyLChat.
The American Library Association announced this year's Youth Media Awards in Atlanta during the annual ALA Midwinter Meeting.
The Kentucky Association of School Librarians (KASL) honored 2016 award recipients at a luncheon and ceremony Sept. 24 at the Galt House in Louisville.