Using global competencies to drive three-dimensional science instruction
KDE's Carly Baldwin explains how she used the annual migration of monarch butterflies to bring global competency into her science classroom. to make for a richer experience.
KDE's Carly Baldwin explains how she used the annual migration of monarch butterflies to bring global competency into her science classroom. to make for a richer experience.
Teachers from several western Kentucky school districts recently completed the first year of a partnership designed to develop a bank of high-quality, elementary/middle science formative assessments.
Teachers are invited to attend Free Teacher Tuesdays at the Louisville Zoo during July to explore the zoo and discover opportunities for the coming school year. Teachers can engage in scientific discussions using the zoo’s newly designed exploration guides, identify phenomena to incorporate into lesson planning and inquire about the zoo’s Next Generation Science Standards-aligned curriculum, field studies and outreaches. [...]
The Kentucky Science Teachers Association and Pearson will offer a free workshop for science teachers in all grades June 22 at Malone’s at Lansdowne Shoppes in Lexington. The workshop ties together three important dimensions to learning science within the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) – core ideas, practices and cross-cutting concepts – and offers hands-on NGSS activities. Email Alison Martinez [...]
A Hart County library media specialist was attracted to the idea of collaborating outside her school, but she wasn’t interested in taking the easy way out.
The National Association of Geoscience Teachers will offer a webinar to support elementary teachers in implementing the Next Generation Science Standards in earth and space sciences at 4 p.m. ET April 14. “Supporting Elementary Teachers with the NGSS” will provide lessons from science educators’ work with elementary teachers and strategies to help teachers to connect science to literacy and standards. [...]
Oldham County's Carla Wilson shares the process her district went through implementing the new science standards.
The Next Generation Science Standards were a focal point at the Kentucky Science Teachers Association’s annual conference.
Teachers attending the Kentucky Science Teachers Association’s annual conference in Lexington used everything from foam balls and a giant Slinky to a syringe and bag of marshmallows to discover new ways to engage their students.
The evidence statements provide detail on what students should know and be able to do in order to satisfy each performance expectation (PE) at the end of instruction. Given that each PE is three-dimensional, the statements describe how students can use the practices, crosscutting concepts, and disciplinary core ideas together to demonstrate proficiency on the PEs by the end of [...]