Accountability – Taking the time to get it right
Education Commissioner Stephen Pruitt shares how the new Every Student Succeeds Act will give all Kentuckians a chance to help craft a new state accountability system.
Education Commissioner Stephen Pruitt shares how the new Every Student Succeeds Act will give all Kentuckians a chance to help craft a new state accountability system.
If passed, the Every Student Succeeds Act -- which is the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act -- will give a lot of accountability control back to the states.
This blog is the third in a series about the reauthorization of the No Child Left Behind Act. My two previous blogs, Let the games begin and Grappling with testing questions provide additional background information. Terry Holliday This week, it was my honor to represent Kentucky and my fellow chief state school officers at a U.S. Senate Health, Education, [...]
Education Commissioner Terry Holliday As the dust settles from the election, there is much talk and speculation about the impact the election may have on public education in this country. At least that was a primary topic for discussion at the Council of Chief State School Officers Annual Policy Forum that I attended last week. Secretary of Education Arne [...]
Sarah Yost By Sarah Yost, NBCT When A Nation at Risk was published in 1983, the American education system seemed to be shaken awake from the dreamy optimism of the 1970s to face the hard fact that public schools were not meeting all the needs of their students. Suddenly the era of open classrooms and holistic learning [...]
Education Commissioner Terry Holliday For readers who missed my blog last week, you may want to review the good news and bad news about No Child Left Behind (NCLB) waivers. In the blog I said, “I believe the current waiver process represents a major federal intrusion into the rights of each state to develop, implement, and manage the [...]
Education Commissioner Terry Holliday No Child Left Behind – it’s been part of our vernacular since 2001 when Congress passed the bipartisan legislation. The idea was to change the Elementary and Secondary Education Act through an emphasis on closing achievement gaps and greater accountability. The hallmark of the legislation was the goal that 100 percent of students would [...]
As authorized under the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), Title IV, Part B, the Office of Next Generation Learners has posted a Request for Applications (RFA) for local school districts, community and faith-based organizations, as well as other qualifying private and governmental organizations to design and implement effective out-of-school programs that improve student achievement and social development. The 21st [...]
Today, Kentucky Education Commissioner Terry Holliday asked Congress to continue to allow flexibility on federal education requirements to enable states like Kentucky to move forward with reform efforts to best serve the needs of all students.
Richard Dodson, assistant professor at Murray State University, is conducting research on the effect No Child Left Behind (NCLB) has had on performing arts education in Kentucky schools since its enactment in January 2002. The study also will focus on what Kentucky performing arts educators believe will happen for their programs as a result of Kentucky’s recent waiver from NCLB. [...]