KY SENT: Support for new teachers
Marion County's Dana Lee Thomas explains how a new program set up by a group of Hope Street Fellows is designed to provide the support new teachers need.
Marion County's Dana Lee Thomas explains how a new program set up by a group of Hope Street Fellows is designed to provide the support new teachers need.
Achieve and the Teaching Channel have launched their new partnership by releasing three videos that introduce and explore Achieve's Evaluating Quality Instructional Products (EQuIP) initiative. The videos, which are publicly available for viewing on Teaching Channel's website (, introduce the EQuIP Peer Review process and provide an in-depth look at real teachers using the mathematics and English Language Arts (ELA) [...]
Holly Bloodworth Teachers often jokingly say that their favorite things about teaching are June, July, and August. Of course this is not true because every teacher I know spends a great deal of time getting ready for the next school year, and pursuing other educational interests during the summer months. Teachers take coursework, attend professional development, read professional [...]