The Professional Growth and Effectiveness System (PGES) Winter Summit is fast approaching.

In preparation for the statewide field test in the 2013-14 school year, instructional leaders from all 174 districts will gather at one of five locations (dates and locations listed below) to learn about PGES and deepen their knowledge about the system. Districts should make plans now to send up to six representatives to participate in one of the summits.

Teams are asked to include a teacher, principal, central office staff member and the superintendent. The decision concerning the actual team make-up is a local district decision. Registration information will be available in January.

Dates and locations include the following:

  • Feb. 4, 2013 (Ashland – KEDC)
  • Feb. 5, 2013 (Bowling Green – Corvette Museum)
  • Feb. 6, 2013 (Murray – Kentucky Dam Village)
  • Feb. 11, 2013 (Lexington – Fayette County Extension Office)
  • Feb. 12, 2013 (Somerset – Center for Rural Development)