Kentucky State Parks across the Commonwealth provide students with experiences, recreation and educational opportunities, including Columbus-Belmont State Park and Wickliffe Mounds State Historic Site in western Kentucky.

Located on the Mississippi River, Columbus-Belmont recalls the 1861 Battle of Belmont and the fight to control the waterway. Students can see the massive chain and anchor used by the South to block the passage of Union gunboats. The farmhouse that served as a Civil War hospital is now a museum.

Wickliffe Mounds is an archaeological site of a former Native American village of Mississippian culture the Natives occupied from 1100-1350 A.D. The museum displays the original excavations and exhibits showcase the science of archaeology, artifacts from the site such as pottery and stone tools, farming practices and the social organization of Mississippians.

For more information, including pricing, visit the Kentucky State Parks webpage.