January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month. This rapidly growing crime impacts children in our state; however, because trafficking typically takes place on the fringes of society, many are unaware of its existence. The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) now offers a human trafficking website with more information about this issue and how it affects our students and families.

A Kentucky Statewide Human Trafficking Task Force has been formed to promote collaboration of service providers, government agencies and law enforcement representatives. The task force aims to increase identification of human trafficking crimes and to engage in proactive, victim-centered and trauma-informed investigations and prosecutions. The group meets bi-monthly and is currently working to develop protocols to assist agencies with this work. Email Mandy Otis for more information.

KDE is currently working with the task force to develop a protocol for education. If you would like to provide feedback in the development of this document, email Rae Burgess.