By Jim Gaines

Kentucky educators can sign up for a free two-day seminar on the transition to digital learning, offered by The Learning Counsel News Media & Research.

Participants will earn professional development badges from the EduJedi Leadership Society and can get a credential for attendance and certificate via email.

Participants will get a free copy of The EduJedi Dictionary, full of terminology for remote and on-site technology learning. Organizers encourage participants to buy and read Richard Lavoie’s book “The Motivation Breakthrough: 6 Secret to Turning On the Tuned-Out Child” prior to the event.

Seminars are being held for multiple states. The one for Kentucky and Tennessee, “Hybrid Logistics, Secrets of Motivation, & Leading thru New Digital,” will take place noon to 5 p.m. ET Sept. 29-30.

Subjects of discussion were chosen based on national surveys and K-12 leaders helped design the virtual events. The top concerns expressed by educators were student motivation and the logistics of time and space during hybrid or digital learning, and the seminars will focus on addressing those subjects.

Registration is available using this GoToWebinar webpage.