Lula Jean Thompson Burton, an elementary school guidance counselor at Eubank Elementary School (Pulaski County) was named the Mid-Cumberland Counselor of the Year by the Mid-Cumberland Counseling Organization. Photo submitted
Lula Jean Thompson Burton, an elementary school guidance counselor at Eubank Elementary School (Pulaski County), has been named the Mid-Cumberland Counselor of the Year by the Mid-Cumberland Counseling Organization.
Burton, who is in her 29th year as an elementary school guidance counselor and her 35th year in the Pulaski County Schools, was nominated by Eubank Elementary Principal Lisa Black and two teaching colleagues, Kim Simpson and Myranda McClure. In their nomination letters, they noted that Burton “presents real-life, interesting, motivating and informative guidance lessons” and “shares with students how to make the world a better place by way of anti-bullying, saying no to drugs, anger management, being a ‘bucket filler’ and teaching lessons to promote good character and citizenship.”
She also organizes a career day program, secures donations of school supplies and other items for her school, volunteers in the breakfast program and fills other roles.
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