By Amy Wallot
This was the first time I visited a class studying history from my lifetime. It was weird, and it was sad. I was almost in tears by the time the class ended. The students were listening with interest, but 9/11 has always been a part of their lives. It wasn’t always a part of mine.
Nan Ternes had a great idea on how to talk about that day with her class. She shared stories from students who were in kindergarten in New York City on 9/11. The students, now the age of her students, reflected on their vague memories of that day. Ternes’ students seemed to really connect to the narratives.
How do you talk with your class about the events on 9/11? Do you find it emotionally challenging?

North Middle School (Henderson County) teacher Nan Ternes shares stories from former kindergarten students who were evacuated from their New York City schools during 9/11 with her 8th-grade language arts class on the 10th anniversary of the attacks.. Photo by Amy Wallot, Sept. 9, 2011
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