The first day of school is an emotional event, sometimes more for parents than students. I like shooting the first day, especially for kindergarten students. The variety of emotions and little moments is wonderful. And it is one of the few times in the school year I’m able to photograph parent interaction.
The early Learning Village (Franklin County) was a perfect location. It serves students in grades preschool through first grade. The kindergarten students were sent to the gym as they first entered the building. They sat in lines organized by class, with a large picture of their teacher on the wall to help them remember. When all of the students had arrived, their teachers lead them to their new classrooms. They were offered activities like coloring or playing with clay and the nervousness seemed to disappear.
Good luck to all of the teachers and students this year. Let me know if you have anything really cool or unusual happening in your classroom this year and maybe I’ll stop by for a visit.

Kindergarten student Kylie Dean waits for the doors to open before the first day of classes at the Early Learning Village (Franklin County). Photo by Amy Wallot, Aug. 8, 2012

Brittany Hensley poses with her daughter Makalee before the first day of kindergarten. Photo by Amy Wallot, Aug. 8, 2012

Assistant principal Larry Murphy greets students and parents as they enter for the first day of school at The Early Learning Village (Franklin County). Photo by Amy Wallot, Aug. 8, 2012

Lauren Cheshire-Jones gives her son Nolan a kiss before the first day of classes. Photo by Amy Wallot, Aug. 8, 2012

Kindergarten student Becky Patterson sits in her mom’s lap before the first day of school. According to Jennifer Patterson, Becky didn’t want her to leave. Photo by Amy Wallot, Aug. 8, 2012
As a kindergarten teacher, I wanted you to know how much I enjoyed these precious and priceless photos. You captured the emotions of the students as well as their parents on this very special day. Nice job! Keep up the good work!