It was a chilly morning in April as boats gathered around the dock at KenLake Marina for the first Kentucky High School Athletics Association bass fishing championship. The KHSAA added the co-ed sport-activity in February of 2012, making this school year its first. Forty-two teams from high schools around the state competed in the championship.
I have shot bass fishing tournaments in Alabama before and was looking forward to this. Sometimes things go just as you hoped and, well, sometimes they don’t. I wasn’t able to get on a boat and photograph the anglers actually fishing or stick around for the weigh-in, which happened later in the afternoon. Despite not seeing much of the action, I’m glad I went. Any day working outside is better than one inside. I learned what I would do differently next time, which will hopefully be soon.

Bass fishing teams make their way around the KenLake Marina for the state bass fishing championship.
Photo by Amy Wallot, April 26, 2013

Thomas Nelson High School (Nelson County) captain Junior Dugan and freshmen Mason McMahan and Logan Crady head out on Kentucky Lake.
Photo by Amy Wallot, April 26, 2013

The Woodford County High School team listens to instructions.
Photo by Amy Wallot, April 26, 2013

Corbin High School (Corbin Independent) captain Chase Adams, sophomore Matt Brown and junior Dylan Adams wave to officials on the dock as they are given the signal to head out.
Photo by Amy Wallot, April 26, 2013
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