By Amy Wallot
Would you like to take your students to Zion National Park in Utah to study geography or Paris to study fine art? In the same day? For almost no cost? Teachers participating in KET’s Multimedia Professional Development Days, using green screen technology, learned how to make that happen.
KET celebrated its 10th year of the event with 158 school teachers and staff learning about video production, web conferencing, social media and ways to foster creativity.
For me, this is a two-for-one event. I do my normal work of capturing teachers learning and participating just as I would with students in a classroom. The bonus is I always learn a thing or two about my profession while I’m there.

Dave Kirk, with Owensboro Public Schools and Jeff Grey, KET multimedia resources coordinator, record Jill Morris, a library media specialist at Morgantown Elementary School (Butler County), against a green screen during a demonstration.
Photo by Amy Wallot, June 27, 2013

Kathy Watson, the library media specialist at The Academy for Leadership at Millcreek Elementary (Fayette County) talks with KET’s Jeff Grey. Watson’s school recently used a grant to purchase iPod Touches for 2nd and 3rd-grade students and was seeking engaging activities to use them with in the classroom.
Photo by Amy Wallot, June 27, 2013
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