By Amy Wallot
A while back I visited Kentucky Teacher of the Year Holly Bloodworth and her class at Murray Elementary School (Murray Independent). It was clear she is a wonderful teacher and her students were great. I especially liked petting the class pet, Hedgie the hedgehog.
I still had some time available when I had finished taking pictures in her class. Principal Denise Richards mentioned that it was grandparents’ lunch day. She said it is a good opportunity to welcome the grandparents into the school and hopefully they will enjoy it and come back. I caught the last few minutes of lunch and the grandparents I spoke with really were enjoying it.

Happy Chambers tickles her grandson 3rd-grade student Porter Chamber during grandparents’ lunch day at Murray Elementary School (Murray Ind.).Also pictured is Porter’s other grandmother Margaret Galloway.
Photo by Amy Wallot, Oct. 28, 2013

Barbara Westphal gives a kiss to her grandson 3rd-grade student Dyelan Westphal during lunch. She chatted with him and his friends during the meal.
Photo by Amy Wallot, Oct. 28, 2013

Linda Hill-Woolridge has lunch with her granddaughter 3rd-grade student Ryann Woods.
Photo by Amy Wallot, Oct. 28, 2013
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