By Amy Wallot
Last month, data from the Kindergarten Readiness Screener was released showing that half of incoming kindergarten students are ready for school. The screener gives kindergarten teachers an instructional starting point for their classes.
Students were asked a variety of questions, from their name and age to naming body parts. They also perform motor functions like standing on one foot.
With the screener fresh in the news, I thought I would visit a preschool class to see students before they reach that point. I visited Lisa Cooper and Lori Girvin’s preschool classes at Morganfield Elementary School (Union County). My favorite part about watching a preschool class is that they are learning while having fun and playing. They are excited to learn and do well. You watch with hope that the excitement will stay with them throughout their education.
You can find the results of Kindergarten Readiness Screener in your area by visiting the KDE Open House or by following this link.

Preschool teacher Lori Girvin high-fives Cheyenne Whitaker for doing a good job of writing her name during class at Morganfield Elementary School (Union County).
Photo by Amy Wallot, Jan. 28, 2015

Markell Wilson plays with colored blocks on a light table during preschool class at Morganfield Elementary School (Union County).
Photo by Amy Wallot, Jan. 28, 2015

Mercy Jackson and Peyton Hargrove play with a shape puzzle together during preschool class at Morganfield Elementary School (Union County). The puzzle, which looks like a cookie, has shapes on the inside that you match to make a full cookie.
Photo by Amy Wallot, Jan. 28, 2015

Teaching assistant Jackie Harrison reads a book with Alora Tolbert about polar bears during preschool class at Morganfield Elementary School (Union County).
Photo by Amy Wallot, Jan. 28, 2015

Preschool student Landon Davis took care of his “baby” while playing house. The house center was a popular choice for the students.
Photo by Amy Wallot, Jan. 28, 2015
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