Bobby Ellis
The pool at the Kentucky School for the Deaf (KSD) is finally open again.
After closing in December 2008 for what was supposed to be a temporary repair, the pool experienced several problems during the next eight years that kept students from enjoying it.
Construction caused cracks to form in the iron pipes used to fill and drain the pool, the caulking in the observation window dried up and the pool being empty for so long caused other necessary parts to rust or lock-up.
But now, the pool is full and students are taking full advantage.
“The pool is so important to our students at KSD. As a residential school, we are always looking at ways to increase student opportunities,” said Principal Will Begley. “The pool allows us to do that through recreational water activities, swim team, lifeguard classes and various other activities.”
As students played with basketballs, gave each other piggyback rides, floated on body boards and did cannonballs during a field day shortly after the pool reopened, their teachers watched with smiles on their faces.
“Everyone is very excited that the pool is now ready to utilize and enjoy,” said Begley.

Photo by Bobby Ellis, May 24, 2017″ width=”584″ height=”360″> Jacob Collins, an elementary student at the Kentucky School for the Deaf, swims in the school’s pool during the last day for students.
Photo by Bobby Ellis, May 24, 2017

Photo by Bobby Ellis, May 24, 2017″ width=”584″ height=”703″> Matthew Colbert emerges from the pool after jumping in during the elementary pool day at the Kentucky School for the Deaf.
Photo by Bobby Ellis, May 24, 2017

Photo by Bobby Ellis, May 24, 2017″ width=”584″ height=”379″> Dakota Cox swims to retrieve a basketball during a game of pool basketball during the elementary pool day.
Photo by Bobby Ellis, May 24, 2017

Photo by Bobby Ellis, May 24, 2017″ width=”584″ height=”370″> Zane Moore sticks his tongue out at a friend while playing pool basketball.
Photo by Bobby Ellis, May 24, 2017

Photo by Bobby Ellis, May 24, 2017″ width=”584″ height=”353″> Gary Wood, left, helps Trey Espinoza swim during a field day at KSD.
Photo by Bobby Ellis, May 24, 2017

Photo by Bobby Ellis, May 24, 2017″ width=”584″ height=”396″> Apollo Tunstall waves to the camera as he floats on his back during an elementary school field day at the pool.
Photo by Bobby Ellis, May 24, 2017

Photo by Bobby Ellis, May 24, 2017″ width=”584″ height=”371″> Austin Shupe gives Jaelyn Bonds a piggyback ride while swimming in the newly reopened pool at KSD.
Photo by Bobby Ellis, May 24, 2017

Photo by Bobby Ellis, May 24, 2017″ width=”584″ height=”348″> Kaylie Rowe is splashed with water as she plays with friends during an elementary pool day.
Photo by Bobby Ellis, May 24, 2017

Photo by Bobby Ellis, May 24, 2017″ width=”584″ height=”377″> Abby Cummins adjusts her goggles while swimming in the pool at the Kentucky School for the Deaf.
Photo by Bobby Ellis, May 24, 2017
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