Taylora Schlosser
For Marion County Superintendent Taylora Schlosser, the actualization of the district’s “Six Big Dreams” is bringing the Distinguished district into a new era of innovation where students dream, believe and achieve like never before.
The district’s early childhood education dream has resulted in additional preschool classrooms supporting the school board’s commitment to providing universal preschool to all 4-year-olds. Also, the local “Books for Babies” program with Lebanon’s Spring View Hospital provides all newborns with their first book, Read to Your Bunny, along with free resources for parents to ensure that learning begins at birth. The district also encourages families to read for 20 minutes daily, which culminates in an annual community reading celebration.
The focus on early childhood education supports the goal of district leadership, teachers and staff that all students will graduate college- or career-ready. An emphasis on a guaranteed viable curriculum through professional learning communities ensures students have the same access to learning regardless of which district school they attend.
The importance of the “Market-Connect-Communicate” dream is building stronger relationships between the school system and its community partners. Marion County’s Student Ambassador Program challenges students to build capacity through leadership by giving back to their community through volunteer opportunities. This spring, the third-annual Spring Summit will offer attendees the chance to learn about progress being made as well as provide input and pledge support for next steps.
The “Next Generation Marion County” dream continues with the opening of the NextGen Lab at Marion County High School. Students can complete online courses for both high school and college credit, visit with an in-house career counselor and use the school’s unique spaces to network and complete group tasks.
The “1:1 Technology” dream also is becoming a reality with model “Classrooms of Innovation” offering blended learning opportunities with new Chromebooks. This semester, those model classroom teachers join colleagues and practitioners from across Kentucky to offer Marion County teachers an in-house technology conference. The I2-Innovation Institute will offer more than 50 different technology sessions.
Marion County is proud of its progress and is committed to making sure it remains a place where students are always getting closer to their dreams.
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