DuPont Manual High School (Jefferson County) teacher Merritt Robinson, left, receives the Kentucky Outstanding Civic Education Leadership Award from Kentucky Secretary of State Elaine Walker March 18, 2011 at Rupp Arena. Photo by Amy Wallot
Merritt Robinson, of DuPont Manual High School (Jefferson County), was recognized with the 2011 Kentucky Outstanding Civic Education Leadership Award during the 2011 PNC/Kentucky High School Athletic Assocation (KHSAA) Boys Sweet 16 Basketball Tournament March 18 at Rupp Arena in Lexington.
The award recognizes teachers and community leaders who have made notable contributions toward promoting or implementing civic learning to prepare students to be engaged and responsible. Honorees have demonstrated outstanding leadership in and out of the classroom by promoting and strengthening civic education and by encouraging students to become active and engaged in their communities.
Robinson led her students in raising $17,000 in funds for local and global service learning projects and spent 18,000 hours helping 70 different community organizations. She and her students raised funds to purchase goats for families in Dafur, and conducted a Service Learning Celebration Fair that included 182 different projects on display.
Other regional finalists recognized on Saturday were:
- Karen Worley Dean, Hickman County Elementary School
- Brian Gardner, A.B. Chandler Elementary School (Henderson County)
- Gerald (Gary) W. Morris, McLean County High School
- Ron Prieskorn and Olivia Perdue – Bowling Green High School (Bowling Green Independent)
- Brandon Davis, John Hardin High School (Hardin County)
- Megan Boimann-Hennies, Highlands High School (Fort Thomas Independent)
- Kathy Miller, Hannah McClure Elementary School (Clark County)
- Kelley West, Christ the King School/Tates Creek High School (Fayette County)
- Jennifer Chaplin, Monticello Independent School District
- Jennie Watkins, Corbin Intermediate School (Corbin Independent)
- Clara Gabbard, L.B.J. Elementary School (Breathitt County)
- Chase Goodman, Allen Central High School (Floyd County)
- Michelle Hawkins, Flemingsburg Elementary School (Fleming County)
The award is given in partnership with the Kentucky Department of Education, the Kentucky Administrative Office of the Courts, the McConnell Center for Political Leadership at the University of Louisville, KHSAA and the Office of the Secretary of State Elaine Walker.
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