Mike Hogg

Mike Hogg

The Berea Independent School District’s slogan of being “kid driven” is reflected throughout the school district. To support that slogan, the district established three goals: all students progressing through the rigorous curriculum, all students being on-Track for meeting college readiness benchmarks by graduation, and all students developing 21st Century citizenship skills which include creativity, critical-thinking, collaboration, communication and compassion. All district and school decisions are considered through the lens of these goals.

Perhaps the largest initiative reflecting the goals of progressing, on-track, and citizenship has been the districtwide implementation of Covey’s Leader in Me programming. The district has committed to training all staff and students in the program and continues to see a tremendous impact on all three of the goals. Empowering students by providing a voice and sense of efficacy are at the core of the Leader in Me programming and most accurately reflect Citizenship development.

Efforts to meet individual student needs and be “kid driven” also are reflected in the collaborative relationships with Berea College to deepen the curriculum, with White House Clinics to provide on-site medical and mental health support, and with Berea Hospital to provide student empowerment training. Community partners enable the district to provide support for its students beyond the limitations of existing school resources. Additionally, the partners recognize that when students and schools are healthy, the community is healthy.

Next year, the district celebrates its 165th year of serving the students and families of Berea. Staff are excited to accept the responsibility of continuing the legacy of passion for the holistic development of students. The future is in great hands.