Kentucky recognized 191 teachers newly certified by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards at a ceremony Feb. 19 in Frankfort. Kentucky ranked fourth in the nation of the most newly certified National Board teachers in 2018.
Photo by Megan Gross, Feb. 19, 2019
(FRANKFORT, KY) – Kentucky recognized 191 teachers newly certified by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards at a ceremony Feb. 19 in Frankfort.
Kentucky ranked fourth in the nation of the most newly certified National Board teachers in 2018, ranking below only Washington (854 new certifications), North Carolina (557) and California (295). Kentucky ranks eighth in the nation for the overall number of National Board Certified Teachers, with 3,794 educators having earned their certifications.
This large class of newly Board certified teachers, represents the second to be certified in the latest version. The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards revised the certification process to be more flexible and accommodating; it can be completed in one to three years while maintaining high and rigorous standards. Kentucky currently has more than 800 teachers that are candidates in the new certification process.
Kentucky has consistently ranked in the top 10 nationally for the number of Board-certified teachers. Crystal A. Culp, president of the Kentucky National Board Certified Teacher Network, described board certification as, “the highest credential in the teaching profession.”
“The progress that Kentucky continues to make towards the legislative goal of having at least one NBCT in every school is something to celebrate,” Culp said. “This innovative goal is important for our students.”
National Board Certification is voluntary and open to all teachers who have three years of classroom experience and a bachelor’s degree. National Board Certification is available in 25 certificate areas, from preschool through 12th grade and is a rigorous process, which requires nearly 400 hours of time and effort to achieve. Because this is a voluntary process, it speaks volumes about the dedication that these teachers have to reaching high standards for themselves and their students.
“I am so proud that more and more Kentucky educators are pursuing and earning National Board Certification,” said Education Commissioner Wayne Lewis. “This year’s class, as all of our NBCT teachers, are strategic, reflective in their content, and are pedagogical experts committed to improving student learning through improving their practice. I am grateful for them.”
Kentucky has strong statewide support for National Board Certification. NBCTs are entitled to an annual $2,000 salary bonus for the life of their certificate. Upon successful completion of Board certification, Kentucky teachers currently holding a Rank II certificate are eligible to apply for Rank I.
The ceremony was hosted by the Kentucky Department of Education and the Kentucky NBCT Network.
To discover local educators who are National Board Certified Teachers, visit the NBPTS website at https://www.nbpts.org/in-your-state/. For pictures of local educators at the ceremony, contact KDE photographer Megan Gross at Megan.Gross@education.ky.gov.
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