• Commissioner Lewis sought feedback from superintendents on recommendations made by the KBE regarding how schools should communicate their accountability scores to the public.
  • Also brought forward to the LSAC for a first reading was the forthcoming changes to the Transition Readiness indicator within Kentucky’s school accountability system.

By Jacob Perkins

At the Nov. 26 Local Superintendents Advisory Council (LSAC) meeting, Education Commissioner Wayne Lewis sought feedback from the superintendents on recommendations made by the Kentucky Board of Education (KBE) to change the regulation on how school districts should communicate their accountability scores to the public.

In the proposed regulation, districts have the option of communicating their accountability scores by displaying their star rating and federal classification in a prominent location at each school or by having a public meeting– advertised in advance – to discuss the accountability score with parents and community members. Superintendents will decide which communication option to use in their district.

At its Oct. 3 meeting, KBE members discussed the avenues in which schools could advertise the meeting, if that’s the route a superintendent chooses. Of the options discussed, board members proposed electronic and paper communication to be distributed to every parent within the district.

Superintendents at the LSAC felt that not only could this become costly for the district, it also may be redundant.

“There are all these layers – text alerts, email, Infinite Campus – that schools put in place to constantly try and keep parents engaged in what’s going on in school. It just seems like postage is not a necessary cost,” said Anchorage Independent Superintendent Kelley Ransdell.

The LSAC recommended that the KBE look at a hybrid model, where families can elect to receive either an electronic notice or a paper copy, but not both.

Lewis told the LSAC that he would bring this recommendation to the attention of the KBE at its Dec. 4 meeting.

The LSAC also had a first reading of forthcoming changes to the Transition Readiness indicator within Kentucky’s 5-star school accountability rating system.

Due to recent discussions with the U.S. Department of Education about Kentucky’s Consolidated State Plan, both high school graduates and grade 12 non-graduates now need to be included in the Transition Readiness calculation.

Currently, transition readiness is measured at high school for students who earn a regular or alternative high school diploma and achieve academic and/or career readiness. For Kentucky’s Consolidated State Plan to be approved, grade 12 non-graduates must be added to the measure.

“I think you will probably see the biggest impact of that change in Transition Readiness if you’re from a smaller district,” Lewis said. “At the state level, because the vast majority of our 12th-graders do graduate, I don’t think you’re talking about a significant difference in the Transition Readiness rate.”

This was presented to the LSAC as a first reading, but Lewis pointed out that the KBE has the authority to waive a second reading and go right into public comment. Lewis said he feels that the KBE will waive the second reading because there is nothing in the regulation beyond what the U.S Department of Education is requiring.

The LSAC approved the proposed amendments under the recommendation of Lewis.

Other Business:

The LSAC heard second readings and approved the amendments to the:

  • Homeless Children Education Program;
  • Kentucky Framework for Personnel Evaluation
  • Bus Drivers’ Qualifications, Responsibilities and Training; and
  • Pupil Attendance.