Chase Smith shares with Kentucky Board of Education member Mike Bowling one of the project-based learning activities that his team was working on as a capstone in the Jobs for America’s Graduates program at Middlesboro High School (Middlesboro Independent) last school year. Bowling resigned from his position on the Kentucky Board of Education Feb. 19. Photo by Frank Shelton, March 2, 2020
Mike Bowling, a Middlesboro attorney and former state representative, resigned from the Kentucky Board of Education (KBE) effective Feb. 19 due to health concerns.
“I have greatly enjoyed the cooperative experience of serving on the KBE during my term,” Bowling’s resignation letter to KBE Chair Lu Young said. “I am honored to have worked in this capacity to improve the Commonwealth’s public school system for our children.”
Bowling, who represents Supreme Court District 3, was appointed to the board by Gov. Andy Beshear in December 2019. His term was set to expire April 14, 2024.
Bowling earned a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Kentucky in 1978 and went on to law school at Northern Kentucky University. He began practicing law in his hometown of Middlesboro in 1985. He co-founded a law firm in 1992 and has been a partner in the Bowling Law Office along with his son Blake. His wife Jamie served for 16 years on the Middlesboro Independent School Board, including 12 years as chair.
For 12 years, Bowling served as the attorney for the Bell County Board of Education.
“Mike has been a true advocate for education and we are grateful for his service to the Commonwealth,” said Commissioner of Education Jason E. Glass. “He has helped provide strong, stable leadership on the board during this challenging time.”
“I will miss working with Mike,” said Young. “I have appreciated the time he has dedicated to the Kentucky Board of Education over the past year and he has provided valuable insight into our discussions and decisions.”
The governor has been informed of Bowling’s resignation and will name a replacement to serve the remainder of his term.
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