A student gets a book during the Summer Boost program event in Bullitt County in June 2022. The program is a partnership between the Kentucky Department of Education, the Summer Food Service Program and the Children’s Reading Foundation. Photo by Audrie Lamb.
(FRANKFORT, KY) – Twenty-eight districts will be participating in this year’s Summer Boost: Reading and Mathematics Program, a partnership between the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE), the Summer Food Service Program and the Children’s Reading Foundation.
The program will promote family engagement in reading and math by giving away free books and fun items, such as wristbands, bookmarks and magnets, intended to motivate and remind families to read 20 minutes every day.
Each of the participating districts will receive approximately 1,000 books to distribute at their meal sites. Families interested in having their child participate should reach out to their local Summer Food Service Department for more information about meal service sites within their district.
“One of our favorite Summer Boost resources is a read aloud series,” said state Education Commissioner and Chief Learner Jason E. Glass. “We have a virtual collection of books being read by a variety of Kentuckians, including a few Kentucky authors and storytellers – and even I am reading one of my family’s favorite books.”
Summer Boost coordinators also will direct families to KDE’s Summer Support webpage, which is available to all Kentucky families. The summer support webpage offers information and resources to encourage students and families to make learning a part of daily summer routines in communities across Kentucky.
Children may lose up to three months of literacy and numeracy skills during summer break when they don’t practice what they learned during the school year. Glass said in order to support parents, families and caregivers in encouraging summer learning right in their own homes, KDE is providing these resources to help keep children’s minds active during the summer months.
Other resources available on the webpage include information for families and caregivers and literacy, mathematics and gifted and talented resources.
Districts participating in the Summer Boost: Reading and Mathematics Program include:
- Bourbon County
- Boyd County
- Carroll County
- Clark County
- Calloway County
- Cumberland County
- Danville Independent
- Erlanger-Elsmere Independent
- Fairview Independent
- Franklin County
- Grant County
- Grayson County
- Harrison County
- Henry County
- Jackson Independent
- Jefferson County
- Marion County
- McCracken County
- Middlesboro Independent
- Muhlenberg County
- Robertson County
- Taylor County
- Trimble County
- Warren County
- Washington County
- Wayne County
- Webster County
- Williamstown Independent
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