The Visiting Teachers from Spain for the 2016-17 school year include, from left, María del Carmen Pinilla Martínez de Salinas (Fleming County), Lucía Fraile Villacorta (Fayette County), Celia Manzano Gil (Fayette County), Carlos Berrozpe (education adviser from the Embassy of Spain), Alfonso De Torres Núñez (Kentucky Department of Education world languages consultant), Francisco Luque Aranda (Bath County), María Mato Fresán (Fayette County), Juan Milla Torres (Fayette County), María Dolores Baeza Alzamora (Barbourville Independent), Irene Bermejo Cobarro (Fayette County) and Cristina Tubio Estrabón (Fayette County). Not present in this picture, Nuria Rincón Vega (Boone County).
Photo submitted by Alfonso De Torres Núñez
By Alfonso De Torres Núñez
Apply now to host a visiting teacher from Spain for the 2017-18 school year.
To provide quality instruction in Spanish from native speakers of the language and to promote rich cross-cultural exchange, Kentucky has a formal memorandum of understanding with the Ministry of Education of Spain that facilitates the placement of visiting educators from Spain in Kentucky schools.
Since 2000, the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) has worked with the Spanish Ministry of Education to help local school districts fill vacant P-12 Spanish teacher positions, as well as positions for other content areas in the case of schools with dual language immersion programs.
Through this partnership, school districts have the opportunity to hire experienced certified teachers who are eager for a teaching experience in the United States. They all come with a one-year-limited teaching certification from the Education Professional Standards Board, which may be renewed for as long as they remain in the country in accordance to federal statute.
KDE facilitates initial interviews in Madrid, Spain, in late March or April from a pool of highly-qualified candidates that have been screened by the Spanish Ministry of Education. KDE sponsors the required J-1 Visa under authority of the U.S. Department of State’s Exchange Visitor Program.
More information is available on the Visiting Teachers from Spain program at the Spanish Ministry of Education’s website. You also can view this video about the program.
For further assistance, visit the Visiting International Teacher Program section at the World Languages webpage in the Kentucky Department of Education website, or contact Alfonso De Torres Núñez, KDE World Languages Consultant, (502) 564-2106, ext. 4134 or by e-mail at alfonso.detorresnunez@education.ky.gov.
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