A new year is fast approaching. Take a look at the professional learning available in December.
Aligned Blog
Aligned is a blog dedicated to the conversation about aligned instructional materials. Follow the blog to hear from content experts, district leaders, classroom educators, publishers and more as they share their insights into the instructional materials landscape. The blog also covers the latest trends in the field, highlights free, aligned open educational resource materials; and offers tools to help with important instructional materials decisions.
Illustrative Mathematics (IM) Professional Learning
Dive deeper into the mathematics that students need to know with this self-paced, online course in Moodle, based on the Fractions Progression. The course consists of an introduction and seven units related to fractions in grades 3-5. Each unit includes a short video, tasks, readings and quizzes. Once you register, you will be sent a login and directions to access the course; technology support is offered as necessary. Complete it on your own or get your whole school or department involved.
(IM) Task Talk Tuesdays
Task Talks are virtual math conversations for teachers and teacher leaders around an Illustrative Mathematics specific task. They convene weekly, 8 p.m. ET Tuesday on Adobe Connect. Grade levels alternate by week and the current task to be discussed is posted on @IllustrateMath’s Facebook page before the talk.
Mathematics Assessment Project Professional Learning
These Shell Center Professional Learning modules support teaching in the 21st century and emphasize the standards for mathematical practice. This series features guides, videos and materials.
Online Course from Jo Boaler
Jo Boaler’s online course, “How To Learn Math for Teachers,” was released on June 7. This is an updated version of the course, with new videos and research.
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