Real science for real life: Astronomy
Help your students learn new things about the stars and planets they see in the sky with these explanations and activities from the Kentucky Academy of Science.
Help your students learn new things about the stars and planets they see in the sky with these explanations and activities from the Kentucky Academy of Science.
Kentucky Educational Television (KET) and PBS are offering several online and on-air resources about the Aug. 21 solar eclipse, which can be seen as a total eclipse in 25 Kentucky counties and as a partial eclipse in the balance of the state. Here are the resources offered: A folder on the PBS LearningMedia website has resources to help plan instruction [...]
The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) is offering a collection of free resources about the Aug. 21 solar eclipse, which can be seen as a total eclipse in 25 Kentucky counties and as a partial eclipse in the balance of the state. Among the items available is “An Observer’s Guide to Viewing the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse,” which provides information [...]
Teachers learned how to use the Aug. 21 event as a teaching opportunity at a Western Kentucky University’s SKyTeach workshop.
NASA’s Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) is now accepting applications from educators for the Cycle 3-2015 Airborne Astronomy Ambassadors (AAA) Program. Teams selected receive online astronomy instruction and a trip to Palmdale, Calif., to participate in two SOFIA science flights. The science flights are eight- to 10-hour flights on a 747SP aircraft carrying a 2.5-meter diameter telescope dedicated to [...]
Space camp participants say students will benefit from teamwork and excitement in the classroom.
Rowan County High School students dissect pulsar data.