career and technical education

Kentucky joins career readiness initiative

Kentucky is among a group of 17 states that committed to develop and execute a detailed plan to implement recommendations made in a report by the Council of Chief State School Officers Career Readiness Task Force

By |2018-11-21T13:38:25-05:00September 28, 2015|

Board considers career/tech funding; novice reduction

Current funding for career and technical education (CTE) in Kentucky is inadequate and at critical levels. That’s the conclusion of an independent report presented to the Kentucky Board of Education at its June 3 meeting in Frankfort. Kentucky funds CTE programs in high schools, locally-operated technical centers (CTCs) and state-operated Area Technology Centers (ATCs) utilizing a combination of federal Perkins funding, state [...]

By |2015-06-05T10:16:39-04:00June 4, 2015|

New policy seeks to boost dual credit program

The proposal would allow all students access to at least three dual credit classes, promote quality and rigor in the classes, make sure they remain affordable and guarantee transferability.

By |2019-12-30T13:54:49-05:00January 27, 2015|

Education and the State of the Commonwealth

Terry Holliday It was my honor to attend the State of the Commonwealth speech last week when Gov. Steve Beshear made his eighth and final such address. A written copy of the full speech is available online, as is a video and audio recording courtesy of KET. It was very exciting to have the governor list the amazing [...]

By |2020-09-23T11:27:27-04:00January 13, 2015|
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