
Historical society offers teen video documentary program

Middle school and high school students who are interested in filmmaking and history may apply to the Kentucky Historical Society’s teen video documentary program, in which they can build skills that will help them create short video documentaries on Kentucky history.

By |2017-11-15T15:39:03-05:00November 16, 2017|

Fayette school filmmaking club seeks photos for project

Southern Films, the after-school filmmaking club at Southern Middle School (Fayette County), invites schools to participate in its project, “Kentucky Kids Can Do Anything,” by submitting photographs for a mosaic containing 1,000 pictures that will be made available to schools across Kentucky. Duane Keaton, a teacher at Southern Middle, is overseeing the project designed to encourage students and show them [...]

By |2015-12-09T13:59:02-05:00December 10, 2015|
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