Building learning in Minecraft
Teachers across Kentucky and the world are harnessing the power of students’ interest in the video game, Minecraft, and turning it into increased learning.
Teachers across Kentucky and the world are harnessing the power of students’ interest in the video game, Minecraft, and turning it into increased learning.
The Kentucky Society for Technology in Education (KySTE) will hold its annual spring conference March 4-6 in Louisville. Nearly 2,000 information technology leaders, technicians, tech resource/integration specialists, classroom teachers, administrators, library media specialists, exhibitors and other education professionals are expected to attend “Welcome to the Future! KySTE 2015,” which is billed as the largest education technology conference in the south-central United [...]
The Kentucky Academy of Technology Education (KATE) has set up a Lync account called This account will be monitored by student workers in the College of Education at Murray State University who will take instructional technology help requests and forward them on to someone at KATE. A staff member can work on the request and get back to the [...]