Prioritizing students and educators as we look ahead to the new year
The holidays are always a time to be thankful for what you have and to cherish the moments you have with loved ones, but it’s also a time to rest and reset for the new year.
The holidays are always a time to be thankful for what you have and to cherish the moments you have with loved ones, but it’s also a time to rest and reset for the new year.
When it comes to addressing the needs of our communities, getting the best data possible about those needs is critical.
The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) has hired Jennifer Fraley as the director of mathematics education.
Members of the School Curriculum, Assessment and Accountability Council (SCAAC) discussed new prototypes for the Commonwealth’s assessment and accountability system during the council’s meeting on July 16.
Kentucky State Sen. Stephen West and Rep. James Tipton joined Interim Commissioner of Education Robin Fields Kinney and incoming Commissioner of Education Robbie Fletcher at Bourbon Central Elementary School on June 3 to discuss literacy instruction across the Commonwealth and unveil a new statewide reading research center.
The Superintendents Advisory Council discussed the current legislative session and ongoing budget talks during the council’s meeting on Feb. 21.
I am thankful to Sen. David Givens for sponsoring Senate Bill 192 and Rep. Bobby McCool for sponsoring House Bill 499, both of which were filed late last week. These identical bills build upon the Kentucky General Assembly’s historic investment of state funds for local career and technical education (CTE) programs in the 2022 budget session.
For those of us who work in state government, you will hear us talk about the first few months of a new year being a busy time due to the General Assembly being in session. This year is what is known as a long session, where the legislators will create the next two-year budget.
Gov. Andy Beshear unveiled his two-year budget proposal Monday night ahead of the 2024 legislative session. Kentucky Interim Education Commissioner Robin Fields Kinney issued the following statement:
“We are appreciative of the General Assembly’s quick actions to address the many needs facing our schools in eastern Kentucky after the historic flooding. In our regular discussions with these superintendents, some of their top concerns were how soon they could get their students in school, how they would meet the mandatory number of attendance days for students and how they could assist their teachers."