KBE’s Kevin C. Brown Strategic Priority Award presented to Rowan County Schools
Rowan County Schools was named the winner of the Kentucky Board of Education’s (KBE’s) 2024 Kevin C. Brown Strategic Priority Award at its Feb. 6 regular meeting.
Rowan County Schools was named the winner of the Kentucky Board of Education’s (KBE’s) 2024 Kevin C. Brown Strategic Priority Award at its Feb. 6 regular meeting.
The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) publicly released assessment and accountability data for the 2023-2024 school year on Oct. 3, as required by state statute and the federal Every Student Succeeds Act.
The first cohort of teachers recently completed the Kentucky Reading Academies professional learning program, and participants offered glowing reviews of this research-based approach.
Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) team members provided an update on efforts to combat chronic absenteeism during a Superintendents Webcast on Aug. 14.
The Anchorage Independent school district is making significant strides in literacy education, thanks in large part to the collaborative culture of learning.
Nearly 1,500 Kentucky K–12 public educators and administrators attended the Kentucky Reads to Succeed Summer Conference at the Central Bank Center in Lexington on June 20 to learn more about evidence-based literacy practices for meeting the diverse needs of student readers.
When asked to talk about supports that impacted the Graves County school district’s literacy vision, Superintendent Matt Madding said the Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) through the Kentucky Reading Academies played a crucial role in the process the district went through over the past year while selecting curriculum for elementary students.
Members of the Kentucky Department of Education’s (KDE’s) Commissioner’s Teachers Advisory Council (TAC) discussed guidance about the implications of using artificial intelligence (AI) as a learning partner during their meeting on June 6.
Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) staff discussed budgetary legislation from the 2024 legislative session during the Superintendents Webcast on May 14.
District leaders in Breathitt County recall first hearing of the Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) in 2019 when the district was carrying out the requirements of their Striving Readers grant.