WKU to host Journalism Scholars Day
The Western Kentucky University (WKU) School of Journalism and Broadcasting will host its Journalism Scholars Day Nov. 17 in the Mass Media and Technology Hall on the WKU campus in Bowling Green.
The Western Kentucky University (WKU) School of Journalism and Broadcasting will host its Journalism Scholars Day Nov. 17 in the Mass Media and Technology Hall on the WKU campus in Bowling Green.
A professional learning program for English/language arts teachers in grades 5-12 on using multimedia to engage students will be Feb. 28 at Somerset Community and Technical College, Laurel Campus, in London. “Using Multi-Media and LDC Mini-Tasks to Enhance Student Writing” will be presented by Kentucky Department of Education Instructional Specialists Jackie Rogers and Kelly Philbeck. Participants in the program will [...]
On July 16, KET will host its annual KET Multimedia PD Event with six hours of professional development provided for the 2014-15 academic year.
By Amy Wallot amy.wallot@education.ky.gov Would you like to take your students to Zion National Park in Utah to study geography or Paris to study fine art? In the same day? For almost no cost? Teachers participating in KET’s Multimedia Professional Development Days, using green screen technology, learned how to make that happen. KET celebrated its 10th year of the event [...]