Through-course tasks taking hold
Through-course tasks being implemented as part of Kentucky’s new science assessment system are helping both students and teachers.
Through-course tasks being implemented as part of Kentucky’s new science assessment system are helping both students and teachers.
The Kentucky Department of Education will host two work sessions related to the through-course task (TCT) component of its new science assessment system. The Field Test Student Work Review/Task Update work session will be offered June 6-7 at the 300 Building in Frankfort. This session will include analysis and annotation of student work copies, as well as modifications to the [...]
Washington County science teachers work to improve instruction and assessment across the state and nation with formative assessment practices.
The Kentucky Science Assessment System Through Course Task Resource Bank is now available with at least one task at each grade level (kindergarten through high school). Additional tasks will be added as they become available for at least two tasks per grade level. These tasks can be accessed through SharePoint here. These tasks are only available through SharePoint for Kentucky educators; login [...]
The Science Assessment System Through Course Task Resource Bank is now available with at least one task at each grade level.
In order to provide common messaging related to the Science Assessment System, KDE has scheduled orientation sessions across the Commonwealth. Each of the sessions is comprised of a half day orientation for administrators and a full day of learning for teachers.