Suicide prevention programming, support available to schools
The Kentucky Department for Behavioral Health is offering middle and high schools the opportunity and support to implement the peer-led social norming program, Sources of Strength.
The Kentucky Department for Behavioral Health is offering middle and high schools the opportunity and support to implement the peer-led social norming program, Sources of Strength.
The Kentucky Center for School Safety has partnered with the Kentucky Division of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services and the Kentucky Suicide Prevention Group to provide Question, Persuade & Refer Training (QPR) that is being implemented as a state model for suicide prevention. This model teaches to recognize the risk factors, protective factors, and warning signs associated with depression, [...]
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) and the Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC), two of the nation’s leading suicide prevention organizations, have collaborated to produce a toolkit to assist schools in the aftermath of a suicide (or other death) in the school community. Both organizations have often been contacted by schools in the aftermath of a suicide death. Since [...]