Women Ambassadors Forum offers online summer coding course
The Women Ambassadors Forum (WAF) is hosting a five-week online summer coding course for high school sophomores, juniors and seniors who are interested in learning how to code.
The Women Ambassadors Forum (WAF) is hosting a five-week online summer coding course for high school sophomores, juniors and seniors who are interested in learning how to code.
Registration is now open for the Kentucky State Police’s (KSP) free virtual summer camp hosted from Trooper Island on Dale Hollow Lake. Virtual campers will earn a certificate and camp patch for completion of the program that begins on June 30 and runs every Tuesday and Thursday through July 30.
Now that school is out, there are countless different camps to help kids make productive time of their summer vacations. One such camp is the FFA Camp, held at the FFA Leadership Training Center in Hardinsburg over a period of several weeks.
Eastern Kentucky University will host its eighth annual “Soar to New Heights” STEM-H Summer Camp for Gifted and Talented students June 15-19 in Richmond. The camp, open to gifted and talented students entering grades 6-8, will emphasize the STEM-H disciplines: science, technology, engineering, mathematics and health. It will feature courses taught by EKU graduate students and STEM-H faculty. Camp experiences [...]