GoTeachKY initiative: Inspiring future educators in Powell County
Due to the critical teacher shortage in Kentucky, the GoTeachKY initiative was started in 2019 with the goal of “inspiring the next generation of Kentucky’s teachers.”
Due to the critical teacher shortage in Kentucky, the GoTeachKY initiative was started in 2019 with the goal of “inspiring the next generation of Kentucky’s teachers.”
Last month I met with the Kentucky Legislature’s Interim Joint Committee on Education to talk about the teacher workforce. The legislators and I talked about a lot about ways we might be able to encourage more people to go into teaching and how to keep our current teachers in their classrooms.
The Kentucky Department of Education’s (KDE’s) Principals Advisory Council (PrAC) heard about the current programs that address the growing shortage of teachers throughout the state during its March 8 meeting.
The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) announced 10 Grow-Your-Own (GYO) program grant recipients at an Aug. 16 press conference. These districts will receive a one-time, $50,000 grant to further boost the Commonwealth’s teacher talent pipeline, with the goal of providing all students with a high-quality education.