Peer observation helps raise our status as educators

Ryan Mann By Ryan Mann With this year’s rollout of Kentucky’s new Teacher Professional Growth and Effectiveness System (TPGES), some of the biggest concerns I’ve heard from other teachers are over the “Peer Observation” section. Teachers have long been wary of administrators critiquing their classroom performance based on a brief observation, and adding a peer into the [...]

By |2014-12-29T09:04:45-05:00December 11, 2014|

The power is in the classroom: Welcome!

Sarah Reed helps 3rd-grade student Deandre Woods with a multiplication problem during class at Field Elementary School (Jefferson County).Photo by Amy Wallot, Nov. 21, 2014 By Sarah Reed When I learned that I was named Kentucky Teacher of the Year, there were only two words to describe how I felt: honored and humbled. After I won, had [...]

By |2019-04-03T10:18:55-04:00December 11, 2014|

PGES Professional Learning Modules now available

The Kentucky Leadership Association (KLA) in conjunction with the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) has compiled an extensive set of Professional Learning Modules that can be used for staff professional learning surrounding TPGES and PPGES. The modules can be downloaded as zip files from the right hand sidebar on the PGES website. They come in three folders: PPGES Modules, TPGES [...]

By |2020-09-30T09:34:32-04:00July 31, 2014|
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